
How to do a good job of ventilation management of chicken house when seasons change?

Usually,whether in actual chicken production or in theory, we have always focused on ventilation management in winter and summer. It is believed that the temperature in autumn and spring is just suitable for the growth of chickens. The ventilation of the chicken house is easier to control. As long as you pay a little attention, there will be no major problems.

However, in fact, the outside temperature difference is large when the season changes. If you don't pay attention to ventilation management, chickens are prone to catch a cold. This induces respiratory diseases. This is also an important reason for the susceptibility to infectious bronchitis, influenza, Newcastle disease and other diseases in spring and autumn. For this reason, we should pay attention to ventilation management when the season changes.

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1. Problems that easily occur when changing seasons

During the spring and autumn, the day is warmer. But not as hot as summer. The night is cooler, but not as cold as winter. At this time, we often think that it is just not hot or cold. Ventilation this season should be the easiest. In fact, many chicken farms will have the following problems when they switch between spring and autumn. As a result, the ventilation system cannot be used well and the chickens are induced to develop respiratory diseases.

First, the number of air inlets on the side wall of the chicken house is not enough. In this way, a proper transitional ventilation system cannot be met. Secondly, the transitional ventilation system should still be used. But converted into a longitudinal ventilation system. Excessive ventilation causes stress to the flock. Then the airtight performance of the longitudinal air outlet is poor when it is closed. In this way, the longitudinal ventilation system is used during the day. The minimum ventilation system cannot be used when it is cold at night. The air quality in the house is too poor. In addition, the transitional ventilation system cannot be completely automatic control system. There are many random problems that affect the ventilation effect.

2. Minimal ventilation system

When the temperature of the chicken house is at or below the set temperature. We open part of the air inlet. The operation of the fan is controlled by a fixed clock. So only set the timed loop. In order to meet the needs of chickens. So as to provide good air quality to the chicken house. The side wall air inlet is controlled by negative pressure. The air flow reaches the middle of the roof of the chicken house. Not only can make full use of the roof heat. It can also prevent the cold wind from blowing directly on the chicken. At the same time, turn on the heating system as needed.

When using the minimum ventilation system, the longitudinal air inlets should be sealed. If the longitudinal air inlet cannot be properly sealed. The minimum ventilation system will not work well. Therefore, when the temperature is high during the day, the longitudinal ventilation system is used, and the minimum ventilation system is required when the temperature becomes lower at night, the longitudinal air inlet must be tightly sealed. When the temperature of the chicken house is higher than the set temperature, the fan is no longer controlled by a fixed clock, but runs continuously for transitional ventilation.

3. Transitional ventilation system

The transitional ventilation is between the minimum ventilation and the longitudinal ventilation. It is necessary to increase the number of side wall air inlets, and mix the minimum and longitudinal ventilation fans. Air enters the chicken house from the side wall air inlet, so that more air can enter the chicken house without the air-cooling effect of longitudinal ventilation. Avoid stress in the flock. A transitional ventilation system can be used for a longer period of time before switching to longitudinal ventilation.

The transitional ventilation system is when the temperature of the chicken house is higher than the set temperature. Open all side wall air inlets. The fans of the minimum ventilation system are no longer controlled by a fixed clock. It runs continuously. That is, all air inlets for the smallest ventilation system are open. Sometimes fans with partial longitudinal ventilation can be used. For example: If a chicken house is equipped with 10 longitudinal fans. The minimum ventilation fan runs continuously.

When the house temperature is 2℃ higher than the set temperature, turn on all the minimum fans + 1 longitudinal fan: when the house temperature is higher than 3 degrees, start the minimum fan + 2 longitudinal fans: when the house temperature is higher than 3.5 degrees, start the minimum fan + 3 longitudinal fans: when the room temperature is higher than 4℃, open the minimum fan + 4 longitudinal fans: when the room temperature is higher than 5℃, the longitudinal ventilation system starts, then the minimum ventilation fan is turned off, the side wall air inlet El is closed, and the longitudinal air inlet turn on.

4. Management of transitional ventilation

We know that when the temperature of the chicken house is below the set temperature. Use minimal ventilation system. Only when the house temperature is always above the set temperature. In order to use transitional ventilation, the air flow in the house will increase and the chickens will easily lie on the ground. Therefore, we should determine how many fans to turn on based on the performance of the chickens. That is to say, it is necessary to observe the behavior of the flocks, and not only look at the temperature measured by the thermometer to manage the ventilation system.

If all the chickens are lying on their stomachs and none of them is gasping. It means the chickens feel the air is too cold. Even if the temperature is higher than the set temperature at this time. We should also shut down a longitudinal fan. It is advisable to observe the flock of chickens becoming active. If more than 10% of the chickens are panting, the flock may feel a little too hot. You should turn on another longitudinal fan, and then observe whether the flock is more comfortable. Only after reaching the maximum transitional ventilation can it be switched to longitudinal ventilation.

When the maximum amount of transitional ventilation is reached, the flock is still too hot. Can be converted to longitudinal ventilation system. Don't switch to longitudinal ventilation just based on the temperature measured by the thermometer has exceeded the standard. Otherwise, switch to longitudinal ventilation prematurely. Chicken flocks will be exposed to cold stress and catch cold, and often appear to be lying on the ground unwilling to move. That is, the activity becomes worse.

After each change of ventilation settings. As a manager, you should stay in the chicken coop yourself. It is best to wait about 20 minutes. Observe carefully whether the flock's activity is better. Only in this way can we determine whether the ventilation we set is more reasonable. Most managers only tell workers to adjust the ventilation system at will based on experience. Without continuing to observe the actual performance of the chickens, this approach is very passive and undesirable.

In the spring and autumn, the temperature is higher during the day. Generally, transitional ventilation or longitudinal ventilation is required. At night, the temperature should be reduced to minimum ventilation. Switch the ventilation system back and forth in this way. At this time, it is ideal for the chicken house to have automatic control capabilities. However, automatic control is rarely achieved in actual production. Therefore, when using minimum ventilation at night, the longitudinal ventilation inlet should be properly sealed, otherwise the minimum ventilation will not operate well. At the same time manage the clock cycle time. Ensure good air quality in the house.

Some chicken farms use plastic film to seal the longitudinal air inlet 1:3 at night. Remove the plastic film again during the day. In this way, 1:3 longitudinal air intake at night cannot be airtight. The negative pressure in the house cannot meet the minimum ventilation requirements, and the air entering the house may directly blow to the ground. Causes cold stress and wet litter in the flock. Therefore, the longitudinal air inlet should preferably be provided with wood panels that can be opened and closed at any time (the smaller the number of wood panels, the better the airtightness), so as to ensure that the air inlet 1:3 is well sealed and the minimum air inlet system can operate normally.

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