
What is the specific method of anti-mold feed in summer?

In the summer with high temperature and humidity, the feed is prone to mildew during processing, storage, transportation, sales and use. Moldy feed not only reduces the nutritional value and palatability of the feed, but also damages the animal body and causes Immunosuppressive. What is the specific method of anti-mold technology in summer feed? Let's get to know it together!  

What is the specific method of anti-mold technology in summer feed? To prevent feed mildew, the growth and reproduction of mold must be blocked. 

positive impact of compound animal feed processing plant

1.Strictly control raw materials  

As long as the conditions are right, mold will grow and multiply. Especially for corn, its embryo occupies 1/3 of the volume of the whole grain, and it has great respiration and strong hygroscopicity. The respiration intensity of corn is 8-11 times that of wheat, rice and other food crops. Therefore, under the same temperature and humidity conditions, corn is more prone to mildew than grains such as rice and wheat.

Molds are often produced during the growth stage of corn, the so-called field mildew. New corn has a high water content, and it is prone to mildew if it is not threshed and dried in time after harvest, especially in weather with continuous high temperature and rain.

Therefore, it is necessary to prevent moldy raw materials from entering the factory (field), conditionally test each batch of raw materials, strictly control the moisture and moldy rate of the raw materials, too high moisture will not only cause moldy, but also increase Crush the cost.  

2.Strengthen transportation management 

If the feed is exposed to rain or wet during transportation, it is prone to mildew. If exposed to the sun during transportation, the feed temperature will rise, causing the moisture inside the feed to evaporate. When the ambient temperature drops, a temperature difference will be formed between the environment and the feed, so that a layer of "soda" will form on the edge of the feed packaging bag. , Resulting in increased moisture in the edge of the feed packaging bag and mildew.  

Therefore, during the transportation of feed, whether it is sunny or rainy, take care to protect it from rain or direct sunlight. At the same time, handle with care during transportation, so as not to scratch the packaging or damage the inner membrane to affect the quality of the feed.  

3.Do a good job of storage 

The warehouse where raw materials (feed) are placed should be spacious and well ventilated. Use wooden racks to isolate the ground about 10 cm high. At the same time, the ground should be waterproofed or covered. The indoor temperature should be controlled at about 15°C and the humidity should be controlled below 70%. .  

The raw materials (feed) are used according to the principle of first-in, first-out, and the suitable storage period is determined according to the characteristics of the raw materials. The raw materials are prepared on the day of the ingredients and used on the same day to ensure that the raw materials are fresh to prevent the storage period from being too long and moldy. 

4.Pay attention to the quality and hygiene of the animal feed production process 

In the processing of compound feed, the temperature and moisture of the finished product are strictly controlled, and the temperature of the pellets is not higher than the room temperature 3℃~5℃. In the high humidity season, the feed water content should be controlled below 12.5%. When the water content exceeds 13%, the risk of feed mildew will increase.  

At the same time, keep the silos and pipelines clean, regularly remove the accumulated materials in the silos and pipelines, and prevent mold contamination during the feed production process and mold materials falling off into the finished product warehouses and packaging bags, causing feed to mold. 

5.Add anti-mold agent 

There are many types of antifungal agents, divided into two categories: contact type and vaporization type. At present, the gasification type is used less in production, and the contact type is more widely used. The contact type uses organic acids and their salts, mainly propionic acid and its salts, sodium diacetate, formic acid and its salts, sorbic acid, fumaric acid, citric acid, etc. Propionic acid and its salt are commonly used. It can not only form high osmotic pressure outside the mold cells, dehydrate the cells and lose fertility, but also penetrate the mold cell wall, inhibit enzyme activity and prevent mold reproduction.

Different types of antifungal agents have different mechanism of action and use effects. Different temperature, humidity, moisture content and shelf life have different usage amounts of antifungal agents. It depends on palatability, antifungal effect, cost performance, and irritation. Reasonable selection in terms of corrosion and corrosivity, and the amount of addition should be determined according to the specific conditions. The use of antifungal agents must be evenly mixed, otherwise, some feeds may be mildew without antifungal agents, and the palatability of livestock and poultry may be affected due to excessive antifungal agents in other feeds.  

6.Do a good job in feeding and management

In the process of raising livestock and poultry, ensure that the air in the livestock (poultry) house is good and the internal temperature is appropriate through appropriate means. Check the quality of the feed before feeding, eat a small amount of meals, in hot and humid seasons, use up the feed on the same day. The material trough should be cleaned frequently, especially the automatic feeding system, the storage tank and the material line should be cleaned regularly to prevent the accumulation of material from being mildewed. 

Do a good job in summer feed anti-mold technology to ensure the quality of the feed, ensure that the livestock and poultry eat well, and the farmers can feel at ease.

[More info about animal feed]

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