How should the ventilation and warmth of the pig house be done in winter?

How should the ventilation and warmth of the pig house be done in winter?

The focus of pig farm management in winter is heat preservation and ventilation. The main reason why pigs are sick in winter is low temperature and humidity. Viruses especially like this environment.  

The secret of winter pig farm profit——control the humidity of the pig house

The secret of winter pig farm profit——control the humidity of the pig house

Pig farm management must control three degrees: temperature, humidity, and density. Today we mainly discuss the control of humidity in the pig house.

How many pigs can be considered a large-scale farm in China?

How many pigs can be considered a large-scale farm in China?

In recent months, due to the increase in pig prices, many people have joined the pig raising army. Although they may be affected by African swine fever, pig farmers have not flinched. But do you know what the construction standards for large-scale pig farms are?

4 ways to effectively prevent epidemics in pig farms

4 ways to effectively prevent epidemics in pig farms

The weather in autumn and winter can be said to be very changeable, and the incidence of epidemics has greatly increased. How can there be methods in prevention and control, pay attention to the following points. 

What are the key points of pig breeding in autumn?

What are the key points of pig breeding in autumn?

Autumn is the golden period for pig raising. At this stage, the pigs get fat faster. If the farmers can pay attention to the following points during the feeding process, they can obtain higher economic benefits. 

Scientific management in the process of broiler breeding

Scientific management in the process of broiler breeding

The schedule and requirements of modern poultry breeding and management are becoming more and more detailed and strict, and the level of breeding management is getting higher and higher.

Why is it more and more difficult to raise broilers?

Why is it more and more difficult to raise broilers?

Take China as an example. Since February 2020, it has become more and more difficult to raise broilers. Many farmers’ chickens cannot be slaughtered normally. Even if they can persist until they are slaughtered, the cost of medicine will have to be 1.5~2 times that of the past.

From what aspects can it be seen that broilers are difficult to raise

From what aspects can it be seen that broilers are difficult to raise

Friends who raise chickens know that raising chickens is a hard work,especially for fast-growing broiler chickens, from the moment the chicks are in to the chicken out, not only is there heavy physical labor, but the whole mind is on the chicken. I am afraid that a carelessness will cause chicken disease.

7 feeding and management stages of chicken raising in winter

7 feeding and management stages of chicken raising in winter

It is said that chickens are often sick in winter, the feed ratio is high, ventilation and heat preservation are contradictory to each other. If you want to raise chickens in the most challenging season, if you want to make money, then look at how to raise chickens.

Cleaning and disinfection of poultry drinking water equipment

Cleaning and disinfection of poultry drinking water equipment

However, we can use daily water quality information and correct cleaning and disinfection methods to resolve these problems. Follow the guidelines below and your poultry will have a first-class drinking water supply. 

The key technology of humidity control in pig house

The key technology of humidity control in pig house

The main sources of water vapor are the water vapor from the floor of the pig house, the evaporation of water in the manure ditch and the water vapor produced by the breathing of the pigs.

How to choose equipment for pig farms?

How to choose equipment for pig farms?

Although ventilation is an effective cooling method, it can only reduce the room temperature to close to the ambient temperature outside the room.

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