Raw Materials
Sheep feed formula for each growth stage

Sheep feed formula for each growth stage

As a sheep breeder, if you do everything yourself, you will benefit a lot. Feed is an important existence for sheep's survival and reproduction.

Points to note when using animal premix feed

Points to note when using animal premix feed

Under the conditions of intensive breeding, complete feed must be provided to animals. To prepare a complete feed, premix feed is ​​indispensable.

Fattening sheep feed pellet formula and sheep fattening method

Fattening sheep feed pellet formula and sheep fattening method

With the improvement of people's living standards, people have higher and higher food requirements. Now more and more people are beginning to pursue green food.

Please pay attention to the anti-nutritional factors in the piglet feed

Please pay attention to the anti-nutritional factors in the piglet feed

Almost all feed materials contain anti-nutritional factors, especially plant materials. Feed with high levels of anti-nutritional factors may have adverse effects on the production performance and health of livestock and poultry.

The "number one enemy" of autumn layer feed-Mycotoxins

The "number one enemy" of autumn layer feed-Mycotoxins

The quality of layer feed is a key factor in determining the efficiency of layer breeding. At present, mycotoxins have become a key issue to be prevented in the chicken feed industry and breeding terminals.

The price of peanut shell pellet fuel has such a big relationship with the raw material

The price of peanut shell pellet fuel has such a big relationship with the raw material

Everyone knows that the finished product price of biomass pellet fuel has a certain relationship with the price of raw materials, and the price of peanut shell pellet fuel is also related to the price of peanut shell raw materials.

What kind of raw materials can be pelletized by RICHI biomass energy pellet machine?

What kind of raw materials can be pelletized by RICHI biomass energy pellet machine?

Biomass pellets are mainly made from wood materials and crops wastes for burning purpose. Animal feed pellets are manufactured from fodder feedstock such as grain and meal. Fertilizer pellets are mailnly produced from poultry manure or cattle litter (chicken, horse, cow, sheep, etc).

Several ways to remove mildew from feed

Several ways to remove mildew from feed

Spread moldy pellets or lumps of animal feed thinly on a clean cement or lime floor. Turn it frequently, and dry it in strong sunlight for 2-3 days.

How to use leaves for pig feed?

How to use leaves for pig feed?

Many leaves are rich in plant protein and a variety of nutrients needed for pig growth and development, which can be used as pig feed.

What are the methods for drying pastures on a cattle farm?

What are the methods for drying pastures on a cattle farm?

The ground drying method is called field drying. After mowing, the forage is dried in situ or on a higher terrain. After about 4 to 6 hours, it is dried to a moisture content of approximately 40% to 50%, and it is formed by a rake.

Main points of making semi-dry silage for cattle

Main points of making semi-dry silage for cattle

The principle and method of semi-dry silage are basically the same as the general silage method, because it also requires anaerobic storage, except that the moisture content of raw materials in general silage is 70%-80%.

Feeding pigs with soybean leaves can reduce feed costs by 25%

Feeding pigs with soybean leaves can reduce feed costs by 25%

In the absence of protein feed in rural areas, feeding pigs with soybean leaves is one of the important ways to supplement protein. Feeding pigs with soybean leaves is very particular.

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